Sales are great, social media is great, but the big problem still continues in Ya Çok Seversen!

Those who look at the ratings of Ya Çok Seversen (If You Love), which is broadcast on Kanal D screens on Thursday evenings, are very surprised when they cannot see the traces of international sales and success in social media.

The series, starring Kerem Bürsin and Hafsanur Sancaktutan, has already started broadcasting in more than 20 countries.

Despite all these developments, it is necessary to express the fact that Ya Çok Seversen could not be one of the influential TV series of the summer period in terms of ratings.

Kerem Bürsin’s influence is immediately felt in his international sales going very well.

The series, signed by Ay Yapım, has released 5 episodes so far. But the ratings continue to come down. While very good results were obtained on social media, the fact that the series started to meet with the audience in more than 20 countries around the world seems to be another important success.

The TV series broadcast simultaneously with Turkey on Shahid, the digital platform of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, which belongs to the MBC group, is among the most watched series of the platform.

In addition, the first 3 episodes of the series, which aired on Israel’s Turkish Drama Channel 2, rose to the top in the ratings.

The series, which is in the top 3 among the most watched on Russia’s digital platform IVI, which also broadcasts in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia, is also one of Russia’s most important TV series. It will also begin airing on TNT, one of its channels, on August 7.

Although the success of the series, which was written by Erdi Işık, Karden Kasaplar and Senem Birlik and directed by Ali Bilgin, continues, the low ratings will always remain a problem.

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