Hafsanur Sancaktutan, the lead role of Ya Çok Seversen, is not playing her role, she is living!

Famous actress Hafsanur Sancaktutan has had a great leap forward in her career by achieving successful results in different projects in the last 3 years.

The young actress, who was born in 2000 and started to draw attention with the character of Fidan in the Gülperi series, in which she took part at the age of 18, came to the fore as the leading female actress in the drama project called Aşk Ağlatır.

The character of Yağmur in the series Son Yaz (Last Summer) became the best role in her career for the actress. Afterwards, Hafsanur Sancaktutan, who showed her influence on the Disney Plus platform with the project Dünyayla Benim Aramda (Between the World and Me), had a bad luck with the short duration of the Darmaduman series last season.

However, the actress partnered with Kerem Bürsin as the female lead of the Kanal D series Ya Çok Seversen (If You Love) in the summer, and a new process began in her career.

The actress, who has so far chosen drama projects instead of romantic comedy series, has proven from the first episode of the series that she can be very successful in a different genre with Ya Çok Seversen.

The Ya Çok Seversen series is getting a lot of attention on social media. The series, which is also revealed to be broadcast in Arab countries, seems to spread abroad rapidly.

Agreements on broadcasting on the Arab channel MBC have been completed. At this point, Hafsanur Sancaktutan had the opportunity to increase her popularity by multiplying.

The actress said, “While playing my role, I live every moment with my whole soul and body. Everything that is done from the heart will return to you with folding.” She also revealed that she lived the roles she played.

Hafsanur Sancaktutan seems to have deeply affected the audience by not playing her role and trying to live that character while she was getting to this point in recent years, when she had a great career leap.

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