Fact-Check: True – Elon Musk is Suing the Pants Off of Kathy Griffin

The Claim: Elon Musk Filed Enough Lawsuits To Ruin Kathy Griffin.

The internet is alive with the sound of Elon. A story about the new Head Twit says he plans to ruin Kathy Griffin with lawsuits. Griffin, who was dumb enough to impersonate the world’s wealthiest man and then insult him publicly, has already lost an HBO special, put one of her homes up for sale, and had a private sale among friends of some of her prized belongings.

We were able to independently verify the source of all of that information, therefore, we rate the claim as true.

Griffin is still hoping to sell off some of her private collections, which include a 40-year obsession with PEZ dispensers as well as a chest full of buttons, some dating back to prehistoric times. “Those should be worth a lot,” said our source, “I’ve seen a few of them. One has the blood of Julius Caesar on it, but nobody can figure out why, since the Romans loathed buttons.”

All of the mystery aside about her buttons and PEZ, Griffin will likely have to also sell her infamous red locks to the wax museum to get her past the finish line, and that’s just to cover her current legal fees.

That’s what happens when you mess with the bull, boys and girls. You end up selling 3,000-year-old buttons at an estate sale while you’re still alive.

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