Alperen Duymaz fans weren’t too upset about the early finale of the Ego series!

When it was first heard that Alperen Duymaz and Melisa Aslı Pamuk would meet in the lead role in the Ego series, which met with the audience on Fox TV on Sunday evenings, there was great excitement among the audience. This duo, who had received much acclaim in the Çarpışma (Clash) series before, came together years later, but it did not result as expected.

Even at the beginning of the series, the prolongation of the discussion between Alperen Duymaz and Melisa Aslı Pamuk on the set and the fact that it was on the agenda in the social media was one of the most important image loss for the Ego series. Because the most important reason to watch the series was the impressive harmony of the two leading actors in the Çarpışma series that remained in the minds of the audience.

In fact, this harmony was not really between the two actors, and it was revealed that this situation was a virtual situation created by the audience in their own intellectual worlds, with the two actors not getting along on the set.

The 13th episode of the series, which is on the agenda with the name Erkeğe Güven Olmaz (Do Not Trust Men) but is spoken with the abbreviation Ego, will be the finale. In other words, the series will meet with the audience for the last time on Sunday evening, May 21. Let us remind you that the series will take a one-week break due to the elections in Turkey on May 14.

Alperen Duymaz fans, on the other hand, could not find what they expected from the interaction with Melisa Aslı Pamuk, and they were not comfortable with the character of Erhan.

It is desired that Alperen Duymaz, who is seen to perform the tough male roles very successfully with the Akgün character he portrayed in the Son Yaz (Last Summerr) series, will appear in front of the audience with similar roles.

It is stated that the Ego series is not a great loss for Alperen Duymaz, whose many fans wish him to return to the screen with a tough male character in his next project on social media.

Ego series will make its finale on May 21 with its 13th episode, but the Ego series, which is understood by Alperen Duymaz’s fans, is already out of their minds, and even those who describe the early finale as a “good development” are not few.

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