Riley Gaines Calls Megan Rapinoe Out On Live TV: “You’re a Traitor To Your Country”

When Megan Rapinoe joined the ESPN show “Sports Talk with Joe Barron,” she had no idea that Riley Gaines was also making an appearance. While the two didn’t meet face to face, they did stare each other down via Zoom.

“You’re a disgrace,” Gaines told Rapinoe, “You’re a traitor to your country.” The former soccer star got up immediately and left the interview.

Barron, who won the Men’s 10,000 Meter in Seoul in 1988, kept the segment rolling and had Ms. Gaines weigh in on several sports topics that now seem to revolve around the trans community.

“First it was swimming,” said Gaines, “Now it’s spreading. People with a distinct advantage are competing in everything from rowing to track and field.” Gaines, an outspoken proponent for biological women’s rights, received the highest ratings ever on Barron’s show.

Allod Correspondent Skip Tetheludah caught up with Rapinoe shortly after the incident to see if she had a comment. “I respect Riley,” she said, “About as much as I respect Donald Trump. She’s just another little grifter looking to make a name for herself with the cult.”

Rapinioe went on to point out that she has two World Cup victories as a member of the US National Team as well as an Olympic Gold Medal. “Riley has a 5th-place tie and a bunch of hate to sell.” She then described her ass as “scrawny” and her eyes as “way too close together.

We reached out to Gaines for a comment on her lack of buttocks but haven’t heard back. God Bless America.

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