Guy Fieri Refuses to Seat Members of “The View” in His Restaurant: “They’re Loud and Divisive”

Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, and Sunny Hostin found out the hard way that they aren’t welcome at Guy Fieri’s “Flavortown” restaurant. After finishing up for the day, the hosts of the sinking ship “The View” stopped by for a bite to eat, only to be sent packing.

“Guy was here,” said restaurant Manager Joe Barron, “and he had finally had enough. Every time they show up they end up in a shouting contest with the other customers. So he walked over to their table and personally escorted them out.”

Fieri was polite, to a point, until Whoopi told him he was being racist. It was then that he pointed to the white woman, Joy Behar, and said, “and you’re delusional.”

With her race card thwarted, Goldberg declared that she was leaving and never coming back. She threatened Fieri with a mention of the incident to her audience, which didn’t seem to phase him. “I’ve seen you’re audience,” he swatted back, “there isn’t one.”

After the incident, the ladies went down the street to a little gastropub owned by Garth Brooks and ordered a shareable “Aborted Fetus Salad” and three vegetable-based burgers.

“If you’re gonna drop $400 on lunch in Beverly Hills,” said Goldberg, “it’s best to get some adrenochrome with your meal.”

These people are truly sick, patriots. They should be investigated in perpetuity. *Shakes fist. God Bless America.

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