TRUE: The NCAA Settled With Riley Gaines For $1.2 Million And A Spot In This Year’s Finales

An internet source close to Riley Gaines claims the swimmer has settled her lawsuit against the NCAA for more than a million dollars…and a guaranteed spot at this year’s finals.

“Ms. Gaines was treated unfairly and as a result, her career has suffered,” said entertainment attorney Joe Barron, “This is a huge leap to her getting her life back.”

Gaines was there the day Lia Thomas, a biological male, won every event and took a national championship from more than a dozen women. “It was a devastating day for women’s rights,” said Gaines at the time.

Thomas has since been banned from the sport after a rule change and suffered another devastating blow as the US Olympic team expanded the ban to include competing at the national level.

“I don’t know how much of this is actually true,” said the original author, “but it sounded plausible, especially at the time. Riley was trending hard and lots of people wished and prayed for stuff like this to be true.

That author’s credentials are as solid as can be, patriots, so we definitely feel the need to rate this nonsense true.

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