Sylvester Stallone Makes It Clear: “No Woke Crap” On His New Movies Set

Sylvester Stallone is one of Hollywood’s biggest players. He writes movies. He produces and directs epic tales of American heroism. He embodies everything good about our great country. The man played Rambo for cryin’ out loud.

Preparations for his next big movie have begun and Stallone has made one thing clear: there will be “no woke crap” on his set.

“I won’t have a bunch of granola moms and their soy boy husbands telling me what I can and can’t do on my set with my crew,” he said, “the wokeness can get lost. We don’t need it.”

Stallone joins a growing number of Hollywood conservatives finally taking a stand against the establishment. According to his publicist, Joe Barron, Stallone already has a blacklist of actors and actresses he won’t hire.

At the top is, of course, Alyssa Milano, along with the entire cast of “The Conners.” Whoopi Goldberg has earned an asterisk because she’s so unpopular, and if your name happens to be George Takei, you should probably go see if Star Trek will take you back.

Without the wokeness to wear him down, Stallone says he should be able to wrap the whole thing in under a month. “We did the first Rocky in three weeks with a $900 budget,” he said, “I even had to buy the turtles with my own money.”

It’s true. He still has those turtles to this day. God bless you, Sly, and God Bless America.

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