This is where Barbra Streisand resides, inside her multi-million dollar dream home

I think we can all agree that Barbra Streisand has had a long and highly successful career.

The 80-year-old Brooklyn native has demonstrated her talent as an actor, producer, and singer over the years.

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She has become the most successful female recording artist of all time as a result, and she has also received some of the most prestigious honours in the process.

Streisand’s private life also developed into a success story as her work did. She has been wed to her second husband James Brolin since 1998, and their romance has never ended. Moreover, because their home, or mansion, is so big, the two don’t have to worry about stepping on each other’s toes.

Here is everything you need to know about Barbra Streisand, and while we’re at it, we’ll take a tour of her magnificent home.

He is the yin to my yang, she said. I desired a friend in my life. Every day, my husband and I still have to work on our marriage. Being kind is important in relationships. You must always be mindful of your words and delivery.

Barbra periodically lets her followers into her magnificent Malibu mansion through her Instagram page. With flowers, ponds, and even a wishing well, her garden is a piece of art.

The 10,485 square foot estate has eight bedrooms, eleven bathrooms, numerous guest homes, and a breathtaking ocean view, according to StarMap. The main house, a mill house, a barn, and a separate structure known as “Grandma’s” make up the estate.

As has already been established, Brolin and Streisand both have a keen interest in architecture and art collecting. The 80-year-old, though, is adamant that she has discovered some things that people shouldn’t hoard.

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