After this panhandler rejected an honest job, he felt he had to do something.

Ryan Bray is always trying to be kind, especially to those in need. On his way home from work one Sunday, he ran into a panhandler begging for change on the street. He sees these beggars all the time because they’re so common where he lives.

Bray felt moved by the man’s story and decided to help him in a more substantial way than simply giving him some spare change. He offered the beggar $15/hour to come work for his family business so that he could get off the streets permanently.

The guy mocked Bray’s proposal. “Absolutely not!” the beggar cried. He couldn’t see why he would work for money when people were throwing loose change at him. Besides, the bum earned a lot more cash per hour than Bray was offering him.

Bray contemplated raising his cash bid, but then the man became menacing. It appeared as if Bray’s job proposition ignited fury in the beggar, feeding the flames of his idleness and endangering his perception of a “good life” where he is given money without having to work for it.

Bray, who stayed out of other people’s business normally, was offended by this outburst. He went home immediately to write up his own sign before heading back to the same street corner. There, he shamed the panhandler for being lazy and inactive.

Bray, who is generally kind-hearted, felt the urge to make this beggar suffer. That’s why he stood on the street with his sign that urged motorists NOT to give money to beggars.

The homeless man, who wished to remain anonymous, said to reporters in Florida that Bray lied and never gave him a job. All he wants is some help so he can stop living on the streets. He plans to use the money he makes from begging to slowly improve his life, one penny at a time.

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