Superman actor Henry Cavill says his pet dog ‘saved’ him from mental health struggles

Actor Henry Cavill, who plays Superman, claims that his dog’saved’ him from mental health issues.

Dogs make the ideal pets since they are such devoted friends who never fail to cheer us up with their unwavering affection. People’s happiness and mental health have been shown to improve when they have dogs.

And people from various walks of life, even well-known Hollywood actors, rely on their pets for comfort. One superhero recently spoke out about the impact his beloved pet has had on his life.

Henry Cavill, a British actor, is most known to fans for his roles as Superman in recent blockbuster hits Man of Steel and Justice League. Additionally, he had appearances in Fallout, Enola Holmes and Mission: Impossible.

Cavill recently spoke out about the friend who has given him the most support: his dog, Kal. But even “superheroes” need a little help from time to time.

The actor’s 8-year-old American Akita is well-known to fans who follow the celebrity on social media because Cavill is not reticent to post pictures of his canine companion online.

In a post from last year he described Kal as “part dog, part bear, part pig and all soul,” and called him an “absolute gem.”

“I’ve had him since he was 10 weeks old and we have been through thick and thin together,” Cavill wrote. “We actually spend so much time together, I’m not sure who imitates who anymore!”

The incomparable Kal. Part dog, part bear, part pig and all soul.

For those who don’t know, this is Kal, he is an American Akita and he is an absolute gem. I’ve had him since he was 10 weeks old and we have been through thick and thin together. We actually spend so much time together, I’m not sure who imitates who anymore! And I’m pretty sure he’d be a strong contender for the world record for converting dog haters, takers or leavers, and fearers into dog lovers.

Recently, Cavill made an appearance on the British morning talk show Lorraine — and brought his adorable dog along.

Fans were delighted to see Cavill’s dog by his side as he chatted with host Lorraine Kelly — and the actor opened up about just how much the pet means to him.

“He really is my best friend, we go everywhere together,” Cavill said.

He explained that Kal has helped him greatly with his mental health: “He has saved my emotional and psychological bacon plenty of times. We have an incredibly close bond,” Cavill explained.

“He senses it when I’ve got my own stuff on, he’ll be close — he’s almost always close, but he’ll be closer.”

With a bond that close, it’s no surprise that Cavill likes to keep his best friend around at all times — even when he’s on set.

He reportedly kept Kal with him on the set of The Witcher, the Netflix fantasy series Cavill currently stars on.

“He was there the entire time, he spent most of his time in the trailer rather than on set,” Cavill explained. “Because when he can see me, but he can’t get to me, he tends to start making a lot of noise. We didn’t want him running in halfway through a scene or a sword fight especially, because he would be taking people down. But he was always there.

“He has been an absolute savior for me,” Cavill said in an interview with On Demand Entertainment. “He is a true companion and in those moments where I just need another being around but not necessarily to be putting lots of effort in that person.”

“He’s fantastic. To me, he’s very much — he’s a dog but he’s a companion. He’s a person as well.”

Even “Superman” needs some saving sometimes — it’s clear that this beautiful dog is always there to comfort Cavill when he needs him.

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