The image of Beren Gökyıldız, who gained fame with TV series, has changed a lot, and her words also show her maturity

Beren Gökyıldız, who was born in Istanbul in 2009, stepped into the sets at a young age with the TV series Kocamın Ailesi in 2014. Beren Gökyıldız, who attracted a lot of attention with the character of Melek in the popular project called Anne (Mother), after the series Aşk Laftan Anlamaz, won the hearts of millions with very effective TV series.

Ayşe in Bizim Hikaye (Our Story) and Öykü characters in Kızım (My Girl) were remembered. Beren Gökyıldız, who last appeared in the TV series Çocukluk (Childhood) in 2020 and did not appear in a new project recently, was the guest of the 2nd Sayfa program broadcast on tv8.

Beren Gökyıldız attracted attention with the statements she made in the program, and drew particular attention to the fact that she is still a child. Stating that being famous does not change the fact that she is a child, Gökyıldız attracted attention with the following expressions showing maturity:

“I always say, I don’t like being called ‘this celebrity’. I am also a normal child. I don’t like it being tried like that. Because I am a child too.”

The image of Beren Gökyıldız, who gained fame with TV series, has changed a lot, and her words also show her maturity! 7

Beren Gökyıldız, who explained that her friends at school always approached her as a famous person, also said that she was uncomfortable with this situation.

Beren Gökyıldız, who does not forget the fact that she is a child and develops her relations by taking this into account, also shows that she is maturing with these words.

Gökyıldız, who said that she had difficulties in her classes due to the shooting of the TV series, said that she is now used to it and can easily carry it out.

Beren Gökyıldız, who is remembered by many viewers with her childhood, surprised many people with her new image during her adolescence.

The viewers, who remember the old series of Gökyıldız, now see a person full of youthful energy, who started to live the adolescence period from their old cute child.

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