The New York Jets practice squad is one of the best in the league. Its players are always ready to step in if the team needs them, and they provide a valuable level of experience during scrimmages.

That’s why the team’s head coach, Joe Barron, has taken a stand against the front office caving to the requests of the has-been quarterback Colin Kaepernick.

“If they put him on the squad I’ll quit,” said Barron, “He has no respect for his country or the game.”

Kaepernick sent a letter to team owner Art Tubolls in an effort to keep himself relevant, requesting the opportunity to lead the squad. Coach Barron made the decision a whole lot easier.

ALLOD Sportsball Analyzer Tara Newhole says there’s a good chance Coach Barron has nothing to worry about. “AQs far as I can tell,” she said, “he doesn’t actually exist. The real coach of The Jets hasn’t chimed in on Kaepernick and probably has more important things to worry about than whether or not a 35-year-old mediocre quarterback who hasn’t played in six years can effectively lead a practice squad.”

“It does seem fairly ridiculous,” said Tubolls, who also may or may not exist in nature, “We pay head coaches pretty well for one to just leave over something this dumb.”

That doesn’t mean we can’t hope and pray it’s true, patriots. God Bless America.

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