It happens once every 48 million births! She is the young child that stunned medical professionals from all around the world.

The birth story of Lucy Marie Perkins is not simply amazing. It’s not simply unlikely. One out of every 48 million people has it.

Caitlin and Tom Perkins welcomed Lucy, their first child, into the world on Tuesday night.

Tom and Caitlin, a husband and wife who were both born on August 16, 1986, are both amazing persons in their own right.

But it appears that celebrating Mum and Dad’s birthday wasn’t enough for the tiny Perkins, who wanted to join in the celebration 30 years later.

“Hold onto the phone, please! You won’t believe this story,” Caitlin’s obstetrician Dr. Brad Robinson said on his Facebook page.

“Can you figure out anyone else who was born on August 16th now? Yep. Following spontaneous labor, Lucy was born on the same day as her parents.”

Ah, yes. There is a one in 48 million chance that the baby, the father, and the mother will share the same birthday.

This happened more than a week after Mum should have given birth.

Before Caitlin and Tom, who are from Dirranbandi in South West Queensland, could even attend their joint 30th birthday dinner, Lucy decided it was time to enter the world.

Caitlin went into labor and was sent to Brisbane’s Greenslopes Private Hospital.

She said, “When my waters broke, I said, ‘No way,’ because I was in denial.”

The baby, however, was impatient and arrived at 39 weeks and 6:45 p.m., weighing a healthy 3.3kg.

It was one of the most remarkable days of Dr. Robinson’s life, who has worked in the field for more than ten years.

He remarked, “Today was fantastic, but I’m fortunate enough to have a career where I get exceptional days like this.”

“It’s not every day that you’re happy to be awakened by the phone at 2:15 in the morning. However, about 2:15 a.m., the midwife called to let me know that Caitlin had broken her waters. I was ecstatic because I kind of wanted it to happen that way.”


Every year on August 16, the Perkins will throw a great party, that much is guaranteed.

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