Al Roker, Deborah Roberts celebrate 28th wedding anniversary with heartfelt tributes: ‘It’s been one great adventure’

Al Roker and Deborah Roberts deserve a year filled with highs after a year filled with lows. The pair marked their 28th anniversary of marriage over the weekend. On Instagram, the two posted nostalgic images of themselves from their relationship’s past along with poignant tributes to one another.

“28 years ago, @deborahrobertsabc promised to be there for better, for worse, thick and thin. Good times and bad. But the greatest gift is the family she has given me. Happy Anniversary, sweetheart,” Roker, 69, captioned his post.

During the Today weatherman’s string of life-threatening medical crises the previous year, Roberts, 62, consistently stood at her husband’s side, demonstrating her commitment to him in good times and bad.

In his anniversary post, Roker featured a carousel of images featuring a number of pictures of the pair on their wedding day. Along with a picture of the pair meeting former president Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama, he also posted a picture of one of their kids when they were younger.

Roberts didn’t miss the chance to honor her husband of 28 years.

She posted a romantic note with her own carousel of images of the pair over the years, including one of them smiling next to a cake fashioned to look like The New York Times front page announcing their wedding.

“Wow! It’s been 28 years. Beginning with a few jitters, great excitement and hearts brimming with hope , we embarked on this journey. And it has been one great adventure. This last year has taught us to cherish each moment. You are mine….I am yours. And where you are, I am too. Happy anniversary my dearest. Let’s keep making memories.”

When they were both employed by NBC in 1990, Roker and Roberts got to know one another. Later, Roberts joined ABC. Together, Leila, 24, and Nick, 21, are the couple’s two children. Courtney, another daughter of Roker’s previous marriage, is 35 years old.

Check watch Al Roker’s interview about his first grandchild if you liked this article

Congratulations to Al and Deborah! May the both of you continue to live a life of love and happiness together.

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