Kevin Costner is suing “The View” for saying hateful things…

You’ve probably heard of the name Kevin Costner. Since Ball Dad, he’s been a regular part of Hollywood entertainment, appearing in classics like Field of Dreams, Waterworld, and, of course, his latest film, Point Television’s Yellowstone.

Now, in what could be the most interesting and bad news story in recent memory, Costner has filed a lawsuit against the ABC television network and, in particular, the show The View for “hate speech.” The whole situation makes almost no sense at all, so come in.

Leo DiCaprio and Nicole Kidman’s co-star in the hit movie Sizzle Beach, U.S.A., Josh Brolin, told us that this whole thing is a bunch of bull.

“Yeah, this is kind of funny. I mean, how much did Keaton cost? Because he’s in Yellowstone, how do I show that he’s done his job well? The is written as n cto. I enjoy Alec Baldwin. Ask those old friends what they think of him.”

When Obama kept talking while on TV, the hosts on Fox went off for the eighth time about Vice President Biden’s hands holding the strings of the violin.

“Can you even see for yourself? I don’t believe that you can. And what did you say? It’s not “hate speech” for a bunch of kids to talk about their colors and muffins. Good lord, these consecutive moons are less likely to be full of pregnant women than a full moon.”

Costner hasn’t said anything to the public yet, and he’s set to keep working on Yellowstone this coming Sunday after finishing filming on his latest movie, 8000 Miles to Graceland: Even Grace.

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