Michael Jordan Says He’d Like to “Slap Some Sense” Into Colin Kaepernick

Basketball legend Michael Jordan recently made controversial comments about former quarterback Colin Kaepernick. Jordan expressed his frustration with Kaepernick’s decision to kneel during the national anthem, stating that he would like to “slap some sense” into him.

Jordan became emotional during a phone call with ALLOD, recalling memories of black players, like Kaepernick, who held their hands over their hearts during the national anthem.

Jordan went on to suggest that Kaepernick should “give in” and stand for the national anthem, stating that his lost years of not playing football won’t come back. Jordan also questioned the motives behind Kaepernick’s protest, stating that he “must hate the troops.” He expressed disappointment that Kaepernick would throw away his career over the issue.

While Jordan offered a fist in solidarity with Kaepernick’s cause, he still could not overlook the kneeling during the national anthem. He suggested that Kaepernick should have consulted with a veteran before deciding to protest in this manner.

Jordan’s comments have received criticism for being insensitive and misinformed about the purpose of Kaepernick’s protest. Many argue that Kaepernick’s protest was not about disrespecting the flag or the troops, but rather to bring attention to systemic racism and police brutality.

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