Carpenter Secretly Saves $3 Million And Sends 33 Kids To College On Scholarships

With $3 million worth of savings in the bank, Dale Schroeder, a humble carpenter from Iowa, sent 33 people to college. All of them with scholarships. Schroeder worked at the same company for 67 years and according to a good friend of his, this humble carpenter really didn’t have much.

Dale owned just two pairs of jeans. One pair was for church while the other was used for work. He drove around in a rusty Chevrolet truck, proving just how simple he really was. But amazingly, Dale saved up all that money, resulting in this selfless act of sending 33 students to college.

Schroeder passed away in 2005.

No one really knew that Dale, a humble carpenter, had amassed $3 million in savings. No one expected anything but he saved all this money just so he could give others a better future.

Dale never got to attend college since he grew up in a poor family.He never got married nor does he have children.In 2005, just before Dale passed away, he approached his friend and lawyer, Steve Nielsen, to discuss his life savings and what was to become of the money.

“He wanted to help kids that were like him that probably wouldn’t have an opportunity to go to college but for his gift,” Steve said.

“I said, ‘How much are we talking about, Dale?’ And he said, ‘Oh, just shy of $3 million.’ I nearly fell out of my chair.”

The scholarships he funded helped potential teachers, doctors, and therapists realize their dreams were now in reach just by going to college.

It took a long 14 years for the fund to run out. The 33 beneficiaries call themselves “Dale’s Kids”, and are intent on paying it forward.That’s what Dave wanted.

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