TRUE: Elon Musk Drove Kathy Griffin Into Bankruptcy

When Kathy Griffin started a Twitter battle with Elon Musk, she didn’t quite understand the stakes involved. After losing her accounts, a lucrative contract with HBO, and her spot on CNN’s New Year’s Eve celebration, she’s also losing what few assets she has left to bankruptcy.

That’s the story floating around social media. Our fact-checking team took a deep dive into the issue and found that the story is not only;y true but comes from an incredibly trustworthy source.

Griffin, unfortunately, won’t admit it. our team ran into a brick wall while trying to contact her and had to instead either seek out or invent public records to make our case. One such record clearly shows that griffin filed for bankruptcy and has nothing left but her railroad pension and a $41K cat tree she built herself. Her car was repossessed and replaced with a Vespa. The only art she was allowed to keep was a framed picture of her holding Donald Trump’s head, which the bankruptcy trustee said was worthless.

So while we find that the story is true and that the source is an amazing reporter with journalistic integrities unmatched in the backdoor media, we can’t provide the evidence without either incriminating innocent rail workers or saying something negative about Musk or Trump, either of which will surely get us sued.

So we just report what we can and let the audience come to their own conclusions, as is the scientific norm in modern times. God bless America.

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