Quartet Of Brothers Took On The Beatles In 1965 And Won!

Sometimes people are able to achieve great things, even though they come from humble beginnings. That was the case with a group of four young men, who just so happened to meet Johnny Cash in 1963.

Johnny Cash was at the peak of his popularity at the time and his song, Ring of Fire was at the top of the charts. When he met these men, who call themselves the Statler Brothers, he immediately hired them on a handshake and toured with them for almost 10 years.

This was something that deeply affected the members of the Statler Brothers. In fact, they wrote the song, “We Got Paid by Cash” from the experiences they had during that time.

It was in 1963 when those four boys, Don and Harold Reid, Phil Balsley and Lew DeWitt were on a tour and were looking for a new name for their band. They had earlier been called the Kingsmen, but there was another popular group by that name, and they wanted to separate from them.

Don said that he was looking around the room and saw a box of tissues that was made by the Statler brand. He suggested it and the name has been there is ever since.

On that same year, they were playing at the Roanoke Fair in Salem, Virginia when Johnny Cash took notice of them. They have a unique blend of music that brings country music into gospel.

In 1965, they wrote the song Flowers on the Wall, and that became popular in both the country and pop music charts. They were even able to beat out the Beatles ‘Help’ and Stop in the Name of Love by the Supremes. They also won a Grammy award, and would eventually go on to win another.

In 1994, they saw another increase in their popularity after the film, Pulp Fiction was released. Bruce Willis is sitting in his car and listening to that song right before he ran over Samuel L Jackson.

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