Farmer finds giant egg but what was inside was even more puzzling

Who doesn’t enjoy eggs for breakfast? No matter if you like them scrambled, poached, or even sunny side up, eggs are the best way to start your day in a healthy way. They give us the energy we need and make perfect combo with cheese, tomatoes, and bacon.

Although it’s unusual, it may happen for some eggs to have two yolks. Do you recall coming across an egg like that?

Even if you have, there is one Texas farmer who can brag with something way cooler than a two-yolk egg. And that’s a double egg. If you don’t know what we are talking about, take a look at this amazing story.

Double-shelled eggs are so rare that even though there are videos of people cracking them open, many people are convinced they are not real.

The process occurs when “an egg that is nearly ready be laid reverses direction and gets a new layer of albumen covered by a second shell,” reports Poultry Help.

According to Countryside Network, the process that causes the egg to reverse is called a ‘counter-peristalsis contraction’.

However, there is this YouTube video of a man who describes himself as “just an old Texas farmer appreciating nature” discovering a huge egg laid by an average sized chicken. The video was uploaded in July 2015, and so far, it has been seen more than 3 million times.

The farmer starts tapping the egg and makes a small crack in the shell. He then peels off one small part and we can clearly see the yolk.

“Oh, I see another surprise!” he says with a chuckle.

“A double egger!”

The farmer slowly pours the yolk out of the shell, until only the inner egg remains. He says, “No double yolks, that’s for wimps. We got double eggs!”

The second egg which was inside the big one is with a regular size. He cracks that one too, and it’s just a plain egg, like those we buy at the grocery store.

Take a look at this rarity and make sure you SHARE it with friends.

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