Disney released its new live-action version of “The Little Mermaid” this weekend with disastrous results. Fans just couldn’t see past the film’s new woke agenda, casting a black girl in a role that wasn’t written for her just to appease the masses.

In the original, the young Ariel was played by a caucasian cartoon character with red hair. How that translates to Halle Bailey is beyond us. We contacted the maritime museum in Norway where mermaids come from, and we were told in no uncertain terms that Vikings barely ever saw black folks, so they probably wouldn’t have imagined mermaids that way.

Walt Disney himself was opposed to the woke agenda, as well as Jewish people. But that’s not important right now. What is important is that he’d roll over in his grave if he knew what was going on. And that’s just a fact.

The new movie doesn’t open until May of next year, so we’re not really sure how it lost the money, but it did. Just for existing at all, basically. People didn’t just not see it, they burned a bunch of old Disney stu\ff as well, costing the company untold free advertising money.

The customer is always right, Disney. Maybe take a hint from the people over at the Daily Caller that managed to get Gina Carando a job.

LOL liberals. God bless America.

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