TRUE: Clint Eastwood Blasted “Spoiled Brat” Alyssa Milano on Twitter

Clint Eastwood might be pushing 100 years old, but he’s still got it. The aging icon doesn’t use social media very often, but when he does, it’s a magnificent thing to behold.

When the master of codgery aw that Alyssa Milano was acting like a spoiled toddler again, he called her out:

“Listen, young lady. There’s a time and a place for ‘activism’ and it ain’t here and now. Grow up, you’re 50.”

It’s true. Milano was born on December 19, 1972, which means while she’s still smokin’ hot, she’s no spring chicken. Maybe it’s time to stop acting like a little girl.

Milano’s response was pretty typical. “Just shut the f*ck up, Boomers,” she said, “you cultists want to pretend the world is on your side. It’s not. People with a lot of money keep the right’s bullhonkey politics relevant, otherwise, all those old Caucasian douchebags would be out on their asses.”

She sure does have strong opinions. It’s unfortunate for her that less than 4 percent of Americans agree with her.

“She has the lowest approval rating of any celebrity in history,” said Ben Shapiro,” and that’s a fact.” Charlie Kirk concurred, making it a general consensus among non-boomer tools.

So this is what happens when you mess with Clint Eastwood. Even if he’s half a century older than you. God bless America.

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