He Asked Her How Many Men She Had Been With

There are certain questions that we are likely to ask our significant other at some point during our relationship. Perhaps we may ask them what they would do if we died or maybe, we might ask something even more serious.

One question that often comes up between a man and a woman during the early part of the relationship is how many partners they had been with earlier in life. It isn’t an easy discussion, but is one that often happens.

It happened to the man and the woman in the following joke, but it was taken to an extreme. You just have to read it to understand but let’s put it this way, you will be laughing at the end.

A newlywed couple lies in bed, and the husband curiously asks his wife about the number of men she has been with. Despite his inquiry, the woman remains silent, her gaze fixed on the ceiling.

Pressing the matter, the husband asks again, assuring her, “Just share it with me, it’s okay. How many men have you been with?” Still met with silence, the wife’s eyes remain fixed above.

Realizing his words may have caused discomfort, the husband offers an apology, saying, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. I simply thought we could have an open and trusting relationship…”

Yet, his wife continues to maintain her silence. Feeling a sense of defeat, the husband concedes, saying, “That’s alright, please don’t be upset.”

Despite his attempts to console her, the wife remains unresponsive. The husband, determined to bridge the gap, begins to hold her closely, showering her with hugs and kisses as a display of his affection.

In this moment of intimacy, the wife appears to snap out of her silence. She redirects her gaze from the ceiling to her husband, her expression now one of frustration. With a hint of exasperation, she blurts out, “Oh, come on! You’ve made me lose count!”

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