Cuba Gooding Jr. “I Knew I Had To Do Something”

Cuba Gooding Jr., the talented actor known for his roles in films like “Jerry Maguire” and the award-winning miniseries “The People Vs. O.J. Simpson,” has been making headlines for more than just his acting career. At the age of 50, Cuba has taken on a new role as an advocate and crusader for renal illness.

Having grown up in the entertainment industry, Cuba had a successful career, starting with the television series “Hill Street Blues” and gaining recognition for his performance in “Boyz N The Hood.” He eventually won an Oscar for his portrayal of an enthusiastic football player in “Jerry Maguire.” Despite his achievements, Cuba faced a devastating loss last year when his father, with whom he shared a close bond, passed away at the age of 72.

Now, Cuba is dedicating his efforts to raise awareness and support for kidney illness, particularly FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis) and Nephrotic Syndrome, which are among the most severe kidney conditions affecting both adults and children. Surprisingly, research on kidney illness is relatively underfunded, despite being the ninth most common cause of death in the US.

In his advocacy work, Cuba has joined forces with NephCure, the only organization solely focused on funding research to discover more effective therapies and a cure for these kidney diseases. Recognizing the urgent need for action, Cuba stated that he was honored to collaborate with NephCure and contribute to finding solutions for these critical health issues.

With Cuba Gooding Jr. using his platform and influence to shine a light on kidney illness and support the efforts of NephCure, there is hope for increased awareness and funding for research. By taking on this meaningful cause, Cuba demonstrates the impact that public figures can have in driving attention and resources toward vital medical research and treatment options.

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