20 Pictures That Will Serve As an Eye Test

Well, my friends! Welcome to another article where we are gonna blink our eyes twice!

We love tricky pictures, and so do you. Not only are they intriguing, but we can also test our eyes, can’t we?

Viral Strange has collected 20 pictures that need a second look! What do your eyes tell you?

1. “I genuinely thought my car was hovering over the parking”


2. “This shadow looks like a spy.”


3. “The snow outside my porch looks like a polar bear’s face”


4. “This puddle looks like an aerial view of a forest”

5. “This cat’s markings make it look like its nose is missing”

6. “This kiwi looks like a kidney.”

7. “I ran out of food coloring while making cookies and now the dough looks like a transplantable organ.”

8. “Morning sun through steam looks like a massive fireball.”


9. “My shirt appears to be two vastly different colors in different lighting”

10. “My lamp gave my water bottles cat eyes.”

11. “My friend’s head upside down looks like a right way-up head”

12. “My Turkish rosewater gummies look like sashimi (raw fish)”

13. “One of my students said “Mr. P, your iPhone is disguised as a calculator and your calculator is disguised as an iPhone.” I’ve had both for years and never made the connection.”

14. “Melting snow looks like the Grinch”

15. “My friend’s new surfboard was made to look like a Baguette.”

16. “My SO’s mother has cutting boards that look like books when they’re put away.”

17. “Noticed this woman’s skirt blended in with the floor while waiting for my parents at the airport”

18. “Took this picture of Spanish ham and it looks like it’s a massive ham standing in an airplane hangar”

19. “Mirage of coffee shop window makes it look like this car sells pies out of the boot”

20. “My coffee looks like a galaxy.”

Which one took you more time to decipher? Tell us in the comments!

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