Rita Wilson celebrates husband Tom Hanks’ 67th birthday with heart-melting tribute

If this isn’t true love, I don’t know what is!

Rita Wilson took to Instagram over the weekend to write a heartfelt message to her husband Tom Hanks, who was celebrating his 67th birthday on Sunday (July 9).

The loved-up pair share two children together, and have been married for 35 years after tying the knot in 1988.

In fact, the couple recently celebrated their anniversary in late April, taking to social media to post an image of themselves tucking into a special cake.

“35 years of marriage. April 30 1988. Love is everything,” Wilson, 66, captioned the photo.

Hanks and Wilson met on the set of Bosom Buddies in 1981, and remained friends until they made their relationship public in 1986. They then starred together in several movies together, including 1993’s Sleepless in Seattle, in which Hanks starred alongside leading lady Meg Ryan, while Wilson played Hanks’ on-screen sister Suzy.

The acting duo went on to have two sons together, Truman and Chet, while Hanks has two children, Colin and Elizabeth, from his previous marriage to late actress Samantha Lewes.

Captioning a handsome image of her husband, Wilson penned a heartfelt message to her hubby. “Happy Birthday to this man who is my lover, my best friend, my family, the father of my children,” the actress and singer began.

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