Toby Keith Backs Out of August Show With Garth Brooks: “I Can’t Be a Part of That”

Toby Keith won’t be performing with “woke” Garth Brooks this August at an event in Fort Sebetsville, Florida that has been in the works for more than two years.

“Toby doesn’t want to stand onstage next to someone who called half of all Americans a-holes,” said Tour Manager Joe Barron, “he feels like if he does, he could be the next to lose the respect of his fans.”

Brooks was recently booed off the stage at the 123rd Annual Texas Country Jamboree in Hambriston, Texas by people who typically welcome him with standing ovations. He also lost the financial backing for his nightclub, “Friends in Low Places,” and a record deal with Capitol.

“If you were Toby Keith, would you want to tour with him?” Barron said most country stars feel the same.

Brooks said he’s not really concerned with missing the one show with Keith, though he feels like there may have been another way to address the issue, “for the good of the people involved,” as if he cares about anyone but the woke.

“It was a charity show for terminal children to benefit leukemia research and the Make a Wish foundation,” said Brooks’ spokesman, Art Tubolls, “kind of a weird flex. But if he wants to pander to a bunch of hateful douchebags to sell more records he’s welcome to.”

Brooks decided to give the fundraisers for the show $200 million to shut them up. If you can’t do good things like play a charity show, at least you can buy them off, amirite, Garth? God Bless America.

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