If You Don’t Have A Half Moon Shape On Your Nails, Visit A DOCTOR Immediately

Most people have a small, whitish, half-moon shape at the base of each fingernail where the nail attaches to the cuticle and finger. Some people cannot see a half-moon, or lunula, on the nail while a missing half-moon may suggest a person has a vitamin deficiency or a serious medical condition.

Nails grow from a pocket under the skin that doctors call the matrix. The matrix helps make new cells. These cells then come together and push out of the skin. Lunula, the white half-moon shape on the nail’s root stands for ‘little moon’ and it can signal many different things. This part of the nail is white since the 5th basal Era layer is concealed under the blood cells.

Usually, the Lunula takes one fifth of the nail and it is most visible on the thumb. And, experts claim that the whiter the Lunula is, the healthier the individual will be. The development of the Lunula may depend on several factors like nutrition, physical condition, and environment. When there is some problem with the above-mentioned aspects, the Lunula may fade, shrink in size, and even disappear completely.

Furthermore, this part of the nail is highly sensitive and when something is not right with it, it is usually a signal for a certain health issue. Let’s take a look at what the reduction or complete absence of the Lunula may signal:

When there is no Lunula on the thumb, it may be a sign of some psychological illness.
– An absence of the Lunula on the little finger may be a sign of problems with the intestines, pancreas, liver, and in women, problems with the reproductive system.

– When the Lunula or the index finger is smaller in size or it is completely gone, it may be an indicator of intestinal problems.

– If the Lunula on the middle finger has shrunk, you might have problems with your blood pressure.
– When there is no Lunula on the ring finger or if it has reduced in size, you might have thyroid gland problems.

All in all, whenever you notice changes in the Lunula of your nails, make sure to consult your physician to rule out all potential health complications

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