While most people go on talk shows to promote products, movies, books, and the like, sometimes the conversation turns to other topics as well. For example, it’s not uncommon for celebrities to mention their family or a recent vacation or experience.

One thing that is not very common on talk shows is for celebrities to feel safe enough to be very open and honest about struggles they are having, but recently, there was a major exception on actress Drew Barrymore‘s talk show, The Drew Barrymore Show.

Barrymore was a guest on CBS This Morning, and she discussed an interview she recently had on her talk show.

She explained that she’s a fan of Machine Gun Kelly and had been trying to get him to do an interview, but he doesn’t do a lot of interviews.

She ended up being able to get him to come on her show to promote his new unisex nail polish line.

That’s all it was supposed to be – promoting nail polish. The interview took a very surprising turn.

Kelly admitted to Barrymore that he doesn’t always feel happy but feels pressure to smile and pretend to be happy for his fans.

While he gave Barrymore a manicure, he explained, “I kind of am sick of smiling on days when I don’t feel like smiling, and I feel like this odd pressure because I don’t want my fans to think that I’m taking something for granted.” He added, “A lot of what I do is for other people, and I haven’t given myself the time to just accept that it’s ok to not be ok.”

Instead of ignoring what Kelly said and turning to a more cheerful topic, Barrymore decided to make an admission of her own.

She explained that after a “painful divorce” she wasn’t doing well, so she went to Utah to “talk to some people about how to pull myself out of a hole. And I had these two kids that I had to fight for and I needed help.”

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