Actress Toprak Sağlam, hosted by Ceyda Düvenci and broadcast on NTV screens every week of the week, produced by BBO Production, was the guest.

Toprak Sağlam, who came to the screen with the role of Zerrin in one of the most watched productions of the screens, told Ceyda Düvenci about the stage excitement she will perform in the coming days and her role in the Yalı Çapkını (Goldon Boy) series.

Zerrin, one of the most criticized characters in the series, is also frequently on the agenda in social media. Toprak Sağlam, stating that she loves the character of Zerrin very much, expressed her feelings against the criticism of the audience with the following words:

“The Yalı Çapkını is a job that marked the year. In fact, Zerrin does everything for her daughter’s well-being and tries to ensure that the promises made to her are kept. Everyone said at first, ‘why are you trying to patch your daughter up with a married man, you’re making a mistress?’ However, her story began before Seyran entered her life. She already had, promises were made to her.

Zerrin came to Turkey from London to protect her daughter’s character, honor and lifestyle, and entered the family like “lightning strikes”. As a woman, there are places where I find Zerrin right, and there are places I find unfair.

There are women who are toothy, know very well what they want, and can’t really see anything when it comes to their family, Zerrin is such a woman, that’s why I loved it so much.”

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